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Bhashatilakam is an in house Journal from Hindi prachara Kendra...
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Secretary's Message
Humble Pranams at the lotus feet of my God Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Dr. M.S. Muraleedharan
General Secretary
Being the General Secretary of this unique institution named Hindi Prachara Kendra, I redeem that my co-workers, benefactors and I labour to our maximum potential for the development of this institution. Begining from the rented premises, the institution now has to credit 14 acres of land and buildings worth crores. Thousands of students have completed their course and sought prestigious jobs throughout the country. The value education received from our staff moulds the character of every student and I have the pleasure to say that these students are treasured by us forever. We are grateful for blessings and encouragement we received from various quarters.‘Sai Ram..... Jai Hindi.....Jai Hind.